Pre-Order | With next FTD Release | Status

* Order Status | With next FTD Release
For FTD titles listed as 'Pre-Order | With next FTD Release' when you ordered.
FTD have new releases regularly throughout each year.

All 'out of stock' Follow That Dream (FTD) titles are available again only with the next new FTD Release.
Thus all information we can provide is by you following the 'Next new FTD Release' on this page.
We cannot tell you more than this!!!! 

If a product cannot be supplied to us by FTD with the next new release?
Once we know we will send all other items and and refund the item(s) not available.

Now it works

NOT Released. Red means the item is not released.
 Released. Released and our order is on the way to us. (Note the 'and').
All orders sent out. Released and we have posted out ALL orders. (Note the 'and'). Once ALL pre-orders for ALL customers are sent out.

More Read about the five (5) release stages in detail

If you find this listed as All orders sent out. you can contact us ...

 All release dates are subject to change and delays. (As is often the case)

Next FTD Release Expected

July (end)

NOT Released. Elvis: Fort Worth TX '74
NOT Released. Girls! Girls! Girls from FTD Vinyl