Pre-Order | Out Of Stock | Status

Due to the complexity of ordering the products we sell, we do NOT provide an order Status update for pre-order items marked 'Pre-Order | Out Of Stock' - as it is far too involved to be accurate. The products we sell are (mostly) NOT easy to obtain normal retail items.

* What to do?

For reassurance you have not been forgotten???

You can monitor the status of the product in the shop by checking the status of the product. If you see that it has changed to 'In Stock' and you have not been notified that your order has been sent, you can then contact us.

* If there are 'In Stock' items in the order along with the 'pre-order'

If you were to place a new order and we were sending that, if there are any items in other orders that we have in stock we would send those at the same time.

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